SIRIM Tech Venture Sdn Bhd

Accelerating Business Commercialisation

Company Registration No. 199601007548 (379894-W)

Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors is made up of qualified individuals with diverse experiences, backgounds and perspectives. It is established to facilitate the making of informed and critical decisions together with the task of leading and managing the Company in an effective and responsible manner.

The Directors’ duties include the establishing of corporate vision and mission, the philosophy of the Company and the setting of objectives for the Management Team as well as the monitoring of the Team’s performance.

Mohd Rashid Mohd Yusof


Dato' Dr Ahmad Sabirin Arshad

President and Group Chief Executive
SIRIM Berhad

Rema Devi a/p V.K.Padmanabhan



Senior Vice President
SIRIM Industrial Research