Our business functional structure according to broad business departments such as finance, marketing and production
SIRIM’s mandate in carrying out strategic research and development (R&D) activities, undertake commercialisation and conduct technology transfer for our industrial development is vital, where it will be translated into more volume of trades for the country. Our extensive experiences of three decades in commercialising technology, product and services to various industry sectors have occasioned us to be the prominent entity in providing full fledge services in technology commercialisation, all are accomplished by our own internal technical resources. Policy, standard procedures and guidelines for execution of commercialisation have been long established and are being employed company-wide. Industries are welcome to leverage these technical capabilities, experiences and established processes.
Henceforth, commercialisation services such as Technology Assessment, Market Feasibility Study (MFS), Techno-Economic Feasibility Study, Technology Valuation (by Certified Patent Valuation Analyst) and Market Validation, consultancy in Technology Transfer and Technology Management Coaching activities are to boost up the readiness of R&D projects into investor-coveted items.
By understanding your commercialisation needs and requirement, we would be able assist you in the attainment of your commercialisation strategy. Our consultancy services ranges from Capacity Building, IP Intelligence Solutions, Business Linkages and Customised Technology Solutions.
Capacity Building in the area of technology commercialisation covers holistic fields such as TECH EcosystemTM, Overview of Commercialisation Model, Technology Readiness Level (TRL), Commercialisation Pathway, Market Feasibility Study, Business Model Canvas (BMC), Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Overview of Technology Management, Technology Decomposition and Value Curves. The method of delivery is through customised workshop where participants are guided on each topics through theory and review of actual product development projects.
It is SIRIM’s policy to conduct all of its businesses in an honest and ethical manner. SIRIM takes a zero-tolerance approach against all forms of bribery and corruption, whether direct or indirect, and is committed to acting fairly, professionally and with integrity in all its business dealings and relationships. It is the goal of SIRIM to avoid acts which might reflect adversely upon the integrity and reputation of the Company.
Each member shall make a declaration in relation to any transaction, arrangement or contract that the Company or any company in the SIRIM Berhad group of companies (SIRIM Berhad company) proposes to enter into or has entered on behalf of the Company or a SIRIM Berhad company, to which he/she, directly or indirectly, is interested and shall declare the nature of his/her interest including making a declaration that no interest exists if that is the case.